If you’re anything
like us, you have had it with this brutal winter. You probably can’t wait to load up the car
and head for a warmer destination, right?
Whether you’re lucky enough to have a spring break or you’re just
planning a little getaway to a sunny spot, remember that safety is key.
If you want to return to a house that looks exactly the way you left it, follow these tips:

- Put automatic timer on lights. You might even want to leave a radio on (preferably a talk radio show) so it sounds like there is someone in your house.
- Make a record of the serial numbers for your valuable items and take the list with you, store it in your safe deposit box or send the information to your personal email account.
- Make sure your friends and relatives know where you will be vacationing. Call friends or family members to let them know that you have arrived and returned safely.

- DO NOT hide your house keys in a mailbox, under a doormat or planter or anywhere outside.
- If you are leaving a vehicle at home, DO NOT leave your garage door opener in your vehicle.
- DO NOT advertise your plans to strangers or on social media outlets.
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